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People with imposter syndrome will reject praise, achievements and allow others to take the cheer or approve their work.


Negative impacts of Imposter syndrome on people’s personal and professional lives, are self-hatred and low self-esteem. it can truly effect your life as well as your relationships.

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the signs of depression, anxiety, self-doubts and hatred, low self-esteem, bipolarity etc. Usually, imposter syndrome includes almost all psychological phenomenon e.g. You can seek advice from your co-workers or someone close to you. Just know and realize there is no shame in asking for help. It’s okay to be independent on one, but not to that extent that they refuse assistance so that they can prove their worth. The people who feel asking for help would reveal their phoniness and this is why psychologists call them Soloists. And only your inner confidence can make you skilled, so don’t doubt yourself and try to be confident when you do something. No one has the power to make you feel bad or anything but it is only you who can make you comfortable with everything in life. And this is just a false cover for their insecurities, and overloaded work would harm not only their mental health, but also their relations with others. The truth is there is no perfect time and you can’t be 100 percent flawless so accept yourself and believe in yourself.Ī person who experiences this phenomenon is convinced they are phony amongst real colleagues they push themselves to work hard to measure up. They consider themselves as perfect and if they fail, they start hating themselves. Perfectionists set higher goals for themselves, and whenever they fail to reach the goal, they experience self-hatred and worry about themselves. Identifying problem is the first step of gaining the healthier attitude about your own achievements. Are you worrying over small things? Are you attributing your success to luck factors? Are you being very sensitive to even criticism? Do you overstate your own expertise? What beliefs do you have about yourself? Or Do you believe that you are worthy of love? If so, then you are struggling with imposter syndrome and that’s OK to be identified.

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Definitely, it could be done only by your therapist, and not by yourself.

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You can also take a test or quiz to diagnose this syndrome. It can help you make a realistic perspective and motivate you to self-growth. Offer yourself kindness instead of judgment and self-hatred. The true perfection is impossible, so if you fail to achieve, it doesn’t make you a dodger. To put this in simple words, imposter syndrome is what you feel that would be examined as fraud by others and when you don’t belong from where you are and you got there because of luck only. Imposter syndrome can affect everyone women, men, students, actors and executives too.Signs of imposter syndrome are self-hatred, andthe inability to assess your capacity and accomplishment, working on your success to external factors, rebuking your performance, having fear of not living according to people expectations, setting the challenging goals and feeling disappointed when they fail. It is believed that 75% of people experience imposter feelings in their lives. You ever felt like you don’t belong to anywhere? Likewise your friends, family or colleagues are going to know you’re not a worthy person and you don’t deserve job or any achievements? These types of thoughts are known as imposter syndrome and psychologists call it as imposter phenomenon. First of all it is a phenomenon or just thoughts that one can experience and not a disorder.

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